It's for the Children Annual Celebration
Thu, May 16, 2024
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM CDT
Gather on Broadway
139 N Broadway
Green Bay, WI 54303
United States
Please join us for our 2024 annual celebration. Together, we can change the lives of children and families in Northeastern Wisconsin. Tickets are complimentary, but please register yourself and your guests. Hosted by Fox 11's Emily Deem, a fun-filled evening featuring stories from our families and educators and featuring live music by BADGERGRASS, playing authentic bluegrass and classical country music. Join us for the presentation of the 2024 It's for the Children award! For 105 years, Encompass has been a leader in early education and care, ensuring families have access to affordable, high-quality childcare, regardless of socio-economic or housing status. We provide tuition assistance so that families don’t have to pay more than 15% of their household income on childcare, and we provide wraparound care to help with basic needs, like clothing, groceries, and transportation. When children are struggling in the classroom, we’re there to help. We focus on educating the whole child and wrapping our arms around each family.
TICKETS Selected during registration
General Admission